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The Luxury of Daylight
The sun is the best source of light for any artistry—including your makeup. But many factors can prevent you from putting on your makeup under that perfect light.
Waking up before the sun, cloudy days, windows facing the wrong direction. Whatever the obstacle, The Makeup Light's Meira vanities will eliminate them with daylight-balanced light at the touch of a dial.
Welcome sunlight into your home—day or night. That's the power of The Makeup Light.
TML Meira Home
Your makeup light should feel as glamorous as your home. The luxury of professional grade lighting at the touch of a button or dial.
The Makeup Light is designed with perfection in mind—no light comes closer to the natural light of the sun.
Are you ready to see with confidence? Then it's time to bring TML into your home.
TML Meira Tabletop
For the ultimate in tabletop luxury lighting, the original TML Meira illuminates like no other.
Daylight-balanced brilliant that brings sunshine into your home. No matter the time of day or weather outside, inside you'll always be illuminated in daylight.