Quick Setup: Key Light 2.0 Suction Mount Starter Kit by TML



Hi! Michael here with The Makeup Light and today we're going to do a quick setup on the Key Light 2.0 Suction [mount] Starter Kit, and that kit simply consists of Key Light 2.0, a Suction Mount, Power Supply and a Quick Release.

The first thing we're going to do is, you have your Suction Mount. We're going to pre-set. You're just going to kind of roughly hold into place and figure out where you need to adjust your arm. You're pre adjusting that, you're not putting pressure on it while it's already attached.

So, I believe I'm going to be about right there. Tighten this arm back down. The ball head is actually fully adjustable as well. So, I'll go into more details on that in a separate video.

Going to snug that down. Take off the protective coating. Make sure the piston is in the up position. Press. Then you're going to see the piston move. Your Quick Release arrow needs to be in the upright position. This half of the Quick Release is in the open position on the back of the Key Light.

You're going to simply drop that on. Click. You can hear it lock into place, and then, if needed, you can make another rough adjustment. Tighten the arm back down. Now you’re in the place.

The Power Supply is a universal power supply. It works around the world. We have four regional adapters included with each kit. No other adapters or converters are necessary. I already have one plugged in for convenience. So, I'll plug this in.

The Power Supply has a thermal dimmer built into it, so I'm just going to simply touch the thermal dimmer, get it to the desired location, and then drape this around the back to keep it out of the way. And there you have it.

See you soon.
